Montag, 23. Dezember 2013

The reason why Arsenal need a world class striker and a defender

The arsenal boss has been under a massive pressure and critics for the past years after failing to win a silver wear for the club for the past 8 years.

Arsenal has shown sign of improvement so far this season after their first defeat at home by Aston Villa, the defeat was a bad one but a real motivation, as the Boss went into the market and spent a club record on a single player who brought a lot of changes to the team’s performance.

With all the improvement and fine form of the club so far, there is still some amendment to make, which is the striking areas and the defending side, Arsenal shooting power is only relied on one man for the past year and till now, Oliver Giroud has been in good form this season but the lack of scoring power has led to the team inability to take on big clubs.

Arsenal lies currently 3rd in the league table and will be facing a tough side this evening at the emirate stadium, in the game they must win if they are to stay in the top tie of the league, a loss in the evening encounter with Chelsea will see them drop 5th in the league table. This is not a position for a competitive position for the Gunners.  Win is all they must afford to get back to the top of the table.

Arsenal have gained just a single point in their last three games, after they were last weekend beaten by free scoring rivals Manchester City to a 6:3 defeat, all that is at the result of lack of scoring ability, the burden on Oliver Giroud as the only front man has been the main problem that arsenal are facing at the moment.

The Arsenal boss has listed five top strikers in Europe to ease up the scoring problem in the teams as they are drown up against the European Champions Beryan Munich in the round of 16 of the Champions League, if Arsenal are to get any silver wear this season, a world striker must be brought to the club in the coming January transfer window 

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Betsson Casino

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Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013

Chelsea Vs Cardiff City

Chelsea will welcome Cardiff City at Stamford Bridge this weekend after winning their last Premier League fixtures away to Norwich City, with a 3:1 away victory, while Cardiff City lost at home to Newcastle 2:1. The blues have won four of their last five matches in the league where Cardiff has won just one in their last five.

Chelsea have won 10 and drawn one of their last 11 Barclays Premier League games at Stamford Bridge, and Cardiff has kept a clean sheet in just one of their seven Barclays Premier League games so far.
Chelsea has won all the last three home game against Cardiff City with three and more goals scored in each match by Chelsea,

The Blues are at 3rd position after Arsenal & Liverpool in this season, and they will take on Cardiff City who is struggling in 14th position, Cardiff have manage just two wins in their last seven premier league games this season.

Cardiff gloves man David Marshall will be the man to watch in the match after making more saves than any other Premier League goalkeeper this season. Hazard, Oscar Scholar are the players to watch for Chelsea as none of Chelsea strikers are yet to register a goal in the league this season. Chelsea and Stoke City is the only clubs in the Premier League for whom a striker has not scored a league goal this season

Aston Villa vs Tottenham

Tottenham will travel to Aston villa this weekend after a disappointing weekend before the international break after they were defeated at home by West Harm 3:0, Aston Villa have yet another difficult home game to deal with having already faced Liverpool, Newcaslte and Manchester City at home this season, though against City they managed to spring a surprise victory. Villa have managed to pick up ten points from their opening seven games leaving them in tenth

  • Paul Lambert has won more away league games (7) as manager of Aston Villa than he has at Villa Park (6).
  • Tottenham are unbeaten in their last nine league meetings with Aston Villa, winning six (D3).
  • Andros Townsend has embarked on 50 dribbles in the Premier League this season; more than any other player.
  • Townsend has also attempted a league-high 26 shots without scoring a goal this season (including blocked).
  • Nacer Chadli has attempted the most shots (inc. blocked) without having a shot on target yet this season (9).
  • Aston Villa have not kept a clean sheet in any of their last 14 Premier League home games, losing nine in this run (W4 D1).
  • Indeed, Paul Lambert's side started this run with a 0-4 defeat at the hands of Spurs back in December 2012, with Gareth Bale netting a hat-trick that day.
  • All three of Tottenham's away games this season have ended 1-0 (two wins, one defeat for Spurs).
  • Aston Villa have gained more points from losing positions than any other Premier League side this season (six).
  • Paul Lambert's side have played the highest percentage of long passes in the Premier League this season (16%).

Freitag, 13. September 2013

The Advantage of Online Lottery

The Advantage of Online Lottery

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